Minggu, 24 Januari 2010

When You Feel Alone

When You feel Alone
When you have no strength
You have doubt in your heart
Troubles around you
Just remember Allah

Allah will be by your side
Allah the Only God
No matter what you think
No matter what you feel
Just remember Allah

B'cause without Allah
You don't have a guide
B'cause without Allah
You don't have a light

Allah's love can make us peace
Allah's love can make us strong
So you just remember Allah
Everyday everytime
You're Not Alone
Rachel ferguson

Hold my hand
I'll walk you there
Through the doors
And up the stairs
Take my hand
We're almost there
You're not alone
You no I care
You no I care

We can make it through
You no I'm here for you
You no I'm here for you

You're not alone
When everythings unknown
You no you've got a friend
When your full of doubt
And it seems
There's no way out
Through all the wrongs
And ups and downs
You'll be stonger
In the end

Hold my hand
I'll help you grow
I'll help you stand
When you feel alone
When you feel alone
I'll never turn
My back on you
I know it's something
You would do
It's something
You would do

You're not alone
When everythings unknown
You no
You've got a freind
When your full of doubt
And it seems
There's no way out
Through all the wrongs
And ups and downs
You'll be stonger
In the end

Well make it through
Don't let it break you

Hold my hand
When you feel lost
(Or love)
Hold my hand

You're not alone
When everythings unknown
You no
You've got a freind
When your full of doubt
And it seems
There's no way out
Through all the wrongs
And ups and downs
You'll be stonger
In the end

Then You Look At Me
Celine dion

Laugh and cry
Live and die
Life is a dream we are dreaming

Day by day
I find my way
Look for the soul and the meaning

Then you look at me
And I always see
What I have been searching for
I'm lost as can be
Then you look at me
And I am not lost anymore

People run
Sun to sun
Caught in their lives ever flowing
Once begun
Life goes till it's gone
We have to go where it's going


And you say you see
When you look at me
The reason you love life so
Though lost I have been
I find love again
And life just keeps on running
And life just keeps on running
You look at me and life comes

We Will Not Go Down clip n lyrics

We Will Not Go Down
Michael Heart

A blinding flash of white light
Lit up the sky over Gaza tonight
People running for cover
Not knowing whether they're dead or alive

They came with their tanks and their planes
With ravaging fiery flames
And nothing remains
Just a voice rising up in the smoky haze

We will not go down
In the night, without a fight
You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools
But our spirit will never die
We will not go down
In Gaza tonight

Women and children alike
Murdered and massacred night after night
While the so-called leaders of countries afar
Debated on who's wrong or right

But their powerless words were in vain
And the bombs fell down like acid rain
But through the tears and the blood and the pain
You can still hear that voice through the smoky haze

We will not go down
In the night, without a fight
You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools
But our spirit will never die
We will not go down
In Gaza tonight

Jumat, 22 Januari 2010

Puisi Untuk Ibu

Teruntuk wanita terhebat yang ku kasihi...

Kala ku tatap bening matamu
Ada kesejukan yang menyelinap di hatiku
Kala ku ingat teduh wajahmu
Ada kehangantan yang menyelimuti kalbuku
Ada rasa aman di relung jiwaku
Kala ku rebahkan tubuh ini di pelukmu
Ada rasa tentram yang menyusup
Kala ku dengar lantunan ayat suci dari bibirmu
Kala ku dengar sepotong doa yang terucap dari lisanmu

Tapi ibu...
Ada rasa takut yang mencekam
Kala ku tatap kedua matamu yang terpejam rapat saat kau terlelap
Aku takut ibu...
Aku takut mata beningmu akan terus terpejam dan tiada akan pernah terbuka lagi
Aku takut teduh wajahmu tiada akan bisa ku lihat lagi
Aku takut hangatnya pelukmu tiada akan bisa ku rasakan lagi
Aku takut indahnya lantunan ayat suci dari bibirmu tiada akan bisa ku dengar kembali
Aku takut potongan doa yang terucap dari lisanmu tiada akan bisa ku dengar lagi...
Aku takut engkau yang teramat ku cintai pergi meninggalkanku
Tanpa sempat ku mengucap kata
'betapa aku mencintaimu ibu...'

Puisi Untuk Ayah

Teruntuk ayah ku yang teramat ku hormati...

engkau yang telah mendidikku
Untuk menjadi anak yang shaleh
engkau yang telah mendidik ibuku
Untuk menjadi khadijah yang baru

engkau adakah pahlawan bagiku
mentari di siangku
dan bulan dimalamku
Sungguh tiada terbilang jasa-jasamu
Tiada pernah letih kau menyinariku
Dan tiada pernah redup cahayamu

Walau tak dapat q memberi satu yang berharga untukmu
Terimalah ungkapan rasa hormat,kasih dan cintaku padamu

Opini:Don't be remaja Cu-X

Don't Be Remaja Cu-X

Lagi-lagi masalah! Dari mulai tawuran antar pelajar sampe masalah korupsi para pejabat pemerintahan. Semua masalah tak terselesaikan. Of course semua masalah itu butuh penyelesaian. Sekecil apapun masalah,tapi kalau dibiarkan begitu aja,bisa merambat en menjadi masalah besar kalo gak cepat-cepat ditanggulangi. Truz,kita sebagai remaja,khususnya remaja muslim gimana cara menanggapinya?
Jangan sampai masyarakat menuduh remaja itu adalah sosok yang bandel ,susah diatur,trouble maker,de el el. Kita sebagai remaja muslim mesti menghapus semua tuduhan itu dari benak masyarakat pada umumnya. Menurut para pemerhati sosia,remaja itu dibagi menjadi tiga golongan (golongan sesat,tersesat dan menyesatkan! hehe). Ga dink,diantaranya:
  • Remaja yang berperan sebagai 'aktor'.
Yupz! Ini dia para lakon yang berperan penuh 'n aktif di lingkungan sosial. Merekalah yang begitu take care terhadap masalah-masalah sosial disekitarnya. Apakah itu dengan kegiatan-kegiatan sosial seperti baksos,bergabung dengan organisasi-organisasi sosial disekitarnya,dll.
Yang jelas,remaja tipe ini begitu perduli dan mau memikirkan cara-cara menyelesaikan masalah-masalah sosial disekitarnya,dan ikut berperan dalam menyelesaikannya. Ga melulu hanya memikirkan urusannya sendiri.
  • Remaja 'spektator' alias penonton para aktor yang berperan.
Remaja yang hanya ngikutin arus. Yang dilakuinnya cuma berdiam diri,menonton para aktor yang beperan. Mengeluh dan mengumpat saat para aktor kesulitan en dalam bahaya,dan bertepuk tangan saat aktor berhasil menyelesaikan perannya.
  • Remaja penghambat,yang menghambat peran para aktor.
Yang mereka lakukan adalah menghalangi peran para aktor,mencaci maki saat para aktor berusaha sekuat tenaga bangkit demi menyelesaikan perannya dan mengumpat saat para aktor berjuang untuk memberikan kontribusi bagi penyelesaian masalah yang tak kunjung selesai.

Nah,sobat tidak semua remaja itu urakan or trouble maker,kan? Tenang,cuma segelintir aja kok. Sekarang tinggal kitanya aja yang memilih,mau jadi aktor,penghambat ato cuma penonton? Kalo jadi aktor,apa antagonis ato protagonis?
Yoyoy,life is about choise! Tapi yang pasti remaja muslim akan tau pilihan yang terbaik.

(diolah dari permAta)

Selasa, 19 Januari 2010


It's Only Dream

I was very surprised when i got my self in a room. Full of white colour everywhere. The fragrant of jasmines became sharper and sharper stabbed my nose. I tried to look all side the room. I felt astonish looking at thousands of jasmines strewed the room. On the bed,floor,in every single side of the room were fulfilled by the jasmines fragrant. The mirror was decorated by jasmines too.
"Is it mine?" i said slowly. Yeah,that mirror was a gift from my mother. When i looked it well,i realized that it was my bedroom. I believed a hundred percent though this room was different. I walked to a mirror and standing for a moment. I was very surprised! Is it me? I thought.
There,on the tension of the mirror,i looked very beautiful and charming.
It was really made me happy. And there i just` realized that i was wearing a very beautiful white gown,completed by a pair of glass shoes like a cinderella.
Suddenly,i heard someone knocking out the door. When the door opened, something made me more surprised. I looked some beautiful women with a beautiful gown too,waiting for me.
One of them helped me to walk,and after i saw her carefully,i knew she was my mother. And the other women accompanied me behind while carrying a bouquet of jasmines. Actually,what happened here? asked my heart. I walked straight elegantly. My father was also beside me. Helping me downed the stairs step by step. If it was my home,it meant i was walking to a livingroom.
Suddenly,the livingroom looked like approached me. Or...i was going to approached it?
And there,at the last stair i looked a man back me up. He was wearing a white suit too.
"Dear,today is your wedding. Go there and come to your husband!"said my mother slowly.
"Marry...?asked me surprisingly.
"But i...i..."
My mother smilled sweetly and turned her head to the man.
Vexedly,i went to the tall man who looked very strong with his white suit. And when he turned his body...
"Oh,my God!!! Is he Jonas Rivano???"yelled my heart.
Yeah,i believed that he was Jonas Rivano,my favorite actor.
Is it right that he will marry me?Is it right that he will become my husband?
Wooow...is it true???i yelled happily.
He smilled sweetly looking at me while lengthen his hand.
My heart beat fast when i tried to replied lengthen my hand to hold him. But why,there's a far distance between me and him?
Suddenly,he got farther and farther from me. I couldn't hold his hand.
"Jonaaaaas...Jonaaaaaaas..."i called his name until...
"Ouchh"i felt a pain in my head. When i opened my eyes,i was under my bed. I tried to look arround and there was no white room,no jasmines,my gown,my glass shoes,and Jonas?Everything were dissapear.
But there was a room,with lotsof magazines and many kinds of books scattered it. Finally,i knew i just dreamt.Oh,my God...poor me...

by:Rieca anggraeni

Minggu, 17 Januari 2010



Cung yang pernah di potret? Haha...cihuyy...kayaknya itu pertanyaan konyol! Yakin dech kaga ada yang ga raise hands alias ngacung!
Biar bukan seorang model,tapi soal potret memotret,berpose,bergaya,narsis-narsisan,uiihh...itu kerjaan kamu-kamu,kan? (termasuk yang nulis,hehe)
Tapi nyantai guys,itu sah-sah aja kok,selama ga melanggar aturan pornografi dan pornoaksi,hehe..
Tapi yang paling nyebelin adalah,pas di potret kita lagi ga siap. For example kita lagi ngunyah buble gum misalnya,kan ga lucu juga kalo pas di potret posisi buble yang lagi kita tiup udah ampir nutupin idung,hehe..ato bisa aja kitanya udah siap,eh hasilnya malah ga sesuai kenyataan. Kaya mata kita jadi merah,padahal kan aku si mata biru. Hoho...Kaya darah aja ya ada birunya.
Kira-kira pernah ga ngalamin ato setidaknya melihat hasil foto yang matanya jadi merah? Kenapa sih ya,kok bisa jadi merah gitu? Kalo istilah asingmya disebut efek red eyes.
Taukah kamu terjadinya Red Eyes?
Red eyes yang bikin hasil foto kita kurang menarik atau bikn face kita jadi keliatan serem padahal aslinya scary (hehe...) terjadi hanya pada kamera yang memiliki lampu kilat (blitz). Ko bisa?Hoho...aneh ya? Jadi ceritanya begini,menurut sumber yang penulis baca (kerennya analisis ^_^) blitz itu kan dibutuhkan saat kita memotret diruangan yang kurang cahaya atawa gelap. Nah,kalo di tempat gelap kan pupil mata kita melebar,karena harus menyerap cahaya masuk lebih banyak. Klik!Begitu lampu blitz menyala cahayanya langsung masuk ke pupil kita yang sedang terbuka lebar. Pembuluh darah yang ada di mata kemudian memantulkan kilatan cahaya dan terekam oleh kamera. Karena pembuluh darah berwarna merah,maka pantulan cahayanya pun jadi merah deh! Gitu...Truz ada ga caranya buat ngilangin si red eyes ini?
Biar Bebas dari si red Eyes
Wah,kalo ini lumayan menghermankan eh,mengherankan juga. Pasalnya cara ngilangin red eyes ternyata dengan menambah lagi blitz! Lho,bukannya yang bikin si red eyes itu blitz? Yoyoy,emang. Tapi dengan cara inilah red eyes bisa kabur. Kenapa? Soalnya,blitz tambahan ini menyala lebih awal dari blitz kamera. Gunanya tentu untuk mengecilkan bukaan pupil kita. Sehinga pas blitz kamera menyala,tidak akan mampu menembus pupil sampai ke pembuluh darah. Blitz tambahan biasanya di jual di toko-toko suku cadang. Harganya sih lumayan. Lumayan apa?Wah ga tau juga ya lumayan apa,belum pernah beli sih,hehe...
Tapi selain itu ada cara lain menghilangkan red eyes tanpa harus menambah blitz. Kalo yang ini udah melibatkan komputer,yaitu dengan cara di edit menggunakan software-softwre gratis seperti Adobe Photoshop atau ACD See,etc.
Kalo dari kamera analog,tentunya hasil foto harus di scan dulu kedalam komputer. Sedangkan dari kamera Digital bisa langsung go edit.
Nah,gimana sobat?Understand henteu? Tapi mudah-mudahan kamu-kamu ga puas,biar kamu-kamu mau lebih banyak baca biar rada-rada pinter dikit,hehehe...(dari berbagai sumber)

Sabtu, 16 Januari 2010



My chemical Romance

Burning on just like a match

you start to incinerate
The lives of everyone you knew
what's the worst to take
from every heart you break
and like blade you stake
well i've been holding on tonight
**what's the worst that i could say
Things are better if i stay
so long and good night
so long and good night

came a time
when every star falls brought you
to tears again
we're the very heart you sold

back to*

but if you carry on this way
things are better if i stay
so long and good night
so long and good night

can you hear me
are you near me
do we deserve
to leave the earth
do we learn
when both our cars collide


black and white

in a solitude night
i lost in thought
black and white in my life
the black might be more than the white
oh,the all merciful god...
forgive me
who always try to be Your slave
though i am not as white as Your hope
but i'll alway hope
Your love,mercy and affection

love song

the way
There something about the way...
you look tonight...
There something about the way that
i can't take my eyes of you
There something 'bout the way your lips invite
maybe it's the way that
i get nervous when you're around
and i want you to be mine
and if you need a reason why

it's in the way that you move me
and the way that you teach me
it's in the way that you hold me
when i can't find the right words to say
you feel it in the way

There something 'bout how you stay on my mind
There something 'bout the way that
i whisper your name when i sleep oh,dear...
maybe it's the look you get in your eyes
oh baby it's that make me feel to see
you smile and the reason they may change
but why i am feeling stay the same

i can't put my fingers on
just what it is that make me love you
you baby so don't ask me to describe
i get all your thought inside
just thinking 'bout the way...